
Nanguèn Def!

Welcome to REPGALSEN, where culture and style collide to celebrate the Senegalese experience across the diaspora.

Salaam Aleikum,

My name is Papa Boubou Ndiaye. I was born in Ndar and grew up in Dakar until the age of 15. In 2006, I moved to the Midwest —a world that was as different as it gets. Now, having spent more than half my life abroad, I have an even deeper love for Senegal, and I know I'm not the only one.

RepGalsen is an expression of our profound connection to Senegal. It's a touch of home in our second homes scattered across the globe. I hope it will serve as a bridge between us all through the shared love we all have for Galsen.

As you explore RepGalsen, I hope you find something special. Na rapp ak jaam!

"Soft and comfortable"

Ali M.

Our Mission

At REPGALSEN, our aim is to inspire Senegalese people of the diaspora and all those connected to Senegal to celebrate their unique experiences through clothing. We believe that cultural pride should be worn with style, so each piece we create is a statement of pride and community.


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